Sunday 30 June 2013

Illustration 1 - Learning log

Hi this is the beginning of my learning log for Open College of Arts, Illustration 1.  This Blog is intended to present work as i continue on though the above mentioned course.
My background in Art or in illustration is newly found, i have just completed a HNC in games design and knowing that i cannot continue to work and be in full time education i opted to find a distance course.
I love concept art for games and films, i also enjoy publication's such as imagine FX and i am exploring digital art.
I am currently trying to learn adobe illustrator as well as being proficient in Photoshop. incidentally if anyone is interested in learning computer programs i really suggest trying its awesome!

I am a little bit dubious about the course in question, for one part because i might have covered a lot of the subject in concept art for my games design course, for another having been used to open university's publications i found the material i received to be a bit thin on the ground so to speak, however i have argued extensively with myself (like a crazy person) that since its a practical course maybe i am not giving the college its dues. so we shall see!

I am mainly doing this course, well because it looked like fun ... i am more interested in story telling though illustration, then other commercial applications for it.

My art background, over the last year i have tried to explore different options, except maybe full scale oil painting, this is mostly because just the thought of oil painting makes me think of dusty Renaissance paintings and while they are stunningly beautiful that sort of art does not appeal to me as something fun to create, that and it seems sort of expensive and like you need a ton of space. plus i am really messy if there paint about i will get it everywhere, hair cloths and probably up my nose!
I do like water colour and pencil based art and i try to sketch/draw from a photo every day, i love the old Disney type animation and find there characterization of say Thumper and Dumbo wonderful, i recently purchased the Disney animation archive studios Animation and Design books, they are hard back books that have art work from both the concept side and the animation cells used in everything from snow white to the latest the princess and the frog.

I hope to complete the course above semi fastish and then to continue onto creative writing 1 i cant remember the proper title of the course..

on a bit of a side note my drawing practice tends to be drawing while watching Netflix for some reason i tend to draw better this way, i think maybe because i am not over concentrating on it im more relaxed.
I will post some previous pictures so that i can keep track on my progress!

Thanks for reading my babble


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